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Probing low-energy QCD and searching for New Physics with eta/eta' mesons

主 讲 人 :Sergi Gonzalez-Solis    研究员


地      点 :理科2号楼B509


Hadronic and radiative decays of the etaand eta' mesons decays offer a privileged environment to test QCD and search for physics beyond the Standard Model. They have drawn worldwide attention inrecent years and have inspired broad experimental programs in different high-intensity-frontier centers. New experimental data will have an impact ondeterminations of fundamental QCD parameters, such as the ratio of light quarkmasses or the eta-eta' mixing parameters, and provide important test of chiral symmetry breaking in QCD. This new data will also provide sensitive probes totest potential new physics including searches for dark photons, light scalarsand axion-like particles (ALPs) that will complement worldwide efforts todetect new light particles in the MeV-GeV mass range. In this talk, I will givean update on the theoretical developments and discuss the experimentalopportunities in this field, paying particular attention to the rare decayseta/eta' to pi \gamma\gamma and to the sensitivity of the eta/eta' to ALPs.


Sergi Gonzalez-Solis is a Serra HúnterFellow working in strong interactions at the Institute of Cosmos Sciences atthe University of Barcelona. He obtained his PhD at the Institute of HighEnergy Physics at the Autonomous University of Barcelona in 2016. He has beenpostdoctoral PIFI Fellow at the Institute of Theoretical Physics of the ChineseAcademy of Sciences (2016-2018), postdoctoral research associate at IndianaUniversity (2019-2021) and Director's Fellow at Los Alamos National Laboratory(2021-2023). He is a member of the JPAC and REDTOP collaborations and haveexisting relationships with experimental collaborations such BESIII, CMS,GlueX, KLOE and MAMI. His primary research is focused on the field of lowenergy hadronic physics. Using Effective Field Theories and dispersionrelations he pursues studies of hadron properties and interactions. Whileinvestigations in this field are important to understand the nature of QCD,they are also crucial for the quest for New Physics. Recently, he has become interestedin searching for signals of new fundamental particles beyond the Standard Modelin hadronic processes, such axions or dark photons.

发布时间:2024-01-09 09:59:03

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